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Salud colect ; 16: e2514, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139508


RESUMEN Al observar los procesos de (bio)medicalización y farmacologización de la sociedad, este artículo aborda los medicamentos que han sido utilizados por individuos sanos para aumentar sus dimensiones cognitivas, como el estado de alerta, la memoria y la concentración. Las llamadas "drogas inteligentes" o "drogas nootrópicas" se han extendido entre los jóvenes a través de Internet. La circulación de información sobre tales drogas se analiza desde un blog brasileño llamado Cérebro Turbinado, sobre el que se realizó una investigación documental basada en el material publicado en el blog entre 2015 y 2017, de acceso público. La investigación adopta marcos teóricos y metodológicos de las ciencias sociales, junto a una perspectiva antropológica. Los resultados muestran que el blog actúa como un medio para la difusión del conocimiento biomédico entre el público lego y muestra la producción de nuevas formas de subjetividad al revelar los significados que se atribuyen a tales sustancias en los procesos de socialización.

ABSTRACT By observing the processes of (bio)medicalization and pharmaceuticalization of society, this article addresses drugs that have been used by healthy individuals to increase cognitive dimensions such as alertness, memory, and concentration. The use of so-called "smart drugs" or "nootropics" has spread among young people, aided by the internet. The circulation of information about such drugs are analyzed using a Brazilian blog called "Cérebro Turbinado," through publications available for public access between 2015 and 2017. The study adopts theoretical and methodological frameworks of the social sciences, including an anthropological perspective. Documental research was conducted on the internet, specifically with scientific dissemination materials and the material available from the aforementioned blog. The results show that the blog acts as a medium for spreading biomedical knowledge among the lay public and indicates the production of new forms of subjectivity by revealing the meanings attributed to these substances in socialization processes.

Humans , Cognition/drug effects , Nootropic Agents/pharmacology , Information Dissemination/methods , Blogging , Brazil , Medicalization , Modafinil/pharmacology , Amphetamines/pharmacology , Central Nervous System Stimulants/pharmacology , Methylphenidate/pharmacology
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 25: e46319, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135773


RESUMO. O objetivo deste artigo, de caráter teórico descritivo, foi analisar as principais motivações para o aprimoramento cognitivo farmacológico na contemporaneidade, mediante o diálogo com autores que investigaram alguns fenômenos da denominada pós-modernidade, tais como Deleuze (1992), Foucault (2000), Bauman (2001) e Han (2015), além de autores do campo psicanalítico (Bezerra Júnior, 2010; Ferraz, 2014; Birman, 2014) que tecem críticas à questão da medicalização da educação e seus desdobramentos. Constatou-se que, na atualidade, a busca pelo aprimoramento cognitivo farmacológico está intimamente ligada ao estilo de vida e ao de sociedade construídos nas últimas décadas. Independentemente da palavra utilizada para nomear o momento histórico vivido, está cada vez mais difícil lidar com a realidade e, nesse contexto, o aprimoramento cognitivo farmacológico revela-se como uma das facetas do fenômeno recente conhecido como psiquiatrização da normalidade. Como resultado, nota-se também que o uso não médico e indiscriminado de medicamentos para 'turbinar' o cérebro tem tornado uma prática comum entre os estudantes universitários; por esse motivo, não se trata meramente de uma questão educacional relacionada à interferência nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem, mas de um problema de saúde pública. Conclui-se que esse fenômeno suscita, na sociedade atual, desafios de diferentes ordens, razão pela qual merece atenção especial da comunidade científica.

RESUMEN. El objetivo de este artículo, de carácter teórico descriptivo, ha sido el de analizar las principales motivaciones para el perfeccionamiento cognitivo farmacológico en la contemporaneidad, el diálogo con autores que investigaron algunos fenómenos de la llamada posmodernidad, tales como Deleuze (1991), Foucault (2000), Bauman (2001) y Han (2015), además de autores del campo psicoanalítico (Bezerra Júnior, 2010; Ferraz, 2014; Birman, 2014) que lanzan críticas a la cuestión de la medicalización de la educación y sus desdoblamientos. Se constató que actualmente, la búsqueda por el perfeccionamiento cognitivo farmacológico está íntimamente conectada al estilo de vida y de la sociedad construido em las últimas décadas. Independientemente de la palabra utilizada para nombrar el momento histórico vivido, está cada día más difícil lidiar con la realidad y, en ese contexto, el perfeccionamiento cognitivo farmacológico se revela cómo a una de las facetas del fenómeno reciente conocido como psiquiatrización de la normalidad. Como resultado, se nota también que el uso no medico e indiscriminado de medicinas para potencializar el cerebro se ha tornado una práctica común entre los estudiantes universitarios; por ese motivo, no se trata meramente de una cuestión educacional relacionada a la interferencia en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, pero de un problema da salud pública, se concluye que ese fenómeno suscita, en la sociedad actual, desafíos de diferentes órdenes, razón por la cual merece atención especial de la comunidad científica.

ABSTRACT. The aim of this theoretical descriptive study was to analyze the main motivations for pharmacological cognitive enhancement in contemporary times through the dialogue with authors who investigated some phenomena of the so-called post-modernity, such as Deleuze (1992), Foucault (2000), Bauman (2001) and Han (2015), in addition to authors of the psychoanalytic field (Bezerra Júnior, 2010; Ferraz, 2014; Birman, 2014) that criticize the issue of medicalization of education and its consequences. It was found that, currently, the search for pharmacological cognitive enhancement is closely linked to the lifestyle and society built in the last decades. Regardless of the name given to the historical moment the society is, it is increasingly difficult to deal with reality and, in this context, the pharmacological cognitive enhancement is revealed as one of the facets of the recent phenomenon known as 'psychiatrization of normality'. As a result, it is also noted that the non-medical and indiscriminate use of drugs to boost brainpower has become a common practice among college students; for this reason, it is not merely an educational issue that may interfere with the teaching-learning process, but also a public health problem. It is concluded that this phenomenon raises, in today's society, challenges of different orders, which is why it deserves special attention from the scientific community.

Pharmaceutical Preparations , Cognitive Dysfunction/psychology , Psychiatry , Students , Public Health , Competitive Behavior/drug effects , Nootropic Agents/pharmacology , Medicalization , Motivation/drug effects
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 110(1): 86-94, 03/02/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-741617


Trypanosoma cruzi strains from distinct geographic areas show differences in drug resistance and association between parasites genetic and treatment response has been observed. Considering that benznidazole (BZ) can reduce the parasite burden and tissues damage, even in not cured animals and individuals, the goal is to assess the drug response to BZ of T. cruzi II strains isolated from children of the Jequitinhonha Valley, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, before treatment. Mice infected and treated with BZ in both phases of infection were compared with the untreated and evaluated by fresh blood examination, haemoculture, polymerase chain reaction, conventional (ELISA) and non-conventional (FC-ALTA) serologies. In mice treated in the acute phase, a significant decrease in parasitaemia was observed for all strains. Positive parasitological and/or serological tests in animals treated during the acute and chronic (95.1-100%) phases showed that most of the strains were BZ resistant. However, beneficial effect was demonstrated because significant reduction (p < 0.05%) and/or suppression of parasitaemia was observed in mice infected with all strains (acute phase), associated to reduction/elimination of inflammation and fibrosis for two/eight strains. BZ offered some benefit, even in not cured animals, what suggest that BZ use may be recommended at least for recent chronic infection of the studied region.

Humans , Drug Discovery , Industrial Waste/analysis , Nootropic Agents/isolation & purification , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Plant Shoots/chemistry , Stilbenes/isolation & purification , Vitis/chemistry , Agriculture/economics , Amyloid beta-Peptides/antagonists & inhibitors , Amyloid beta-Peptides/metabolism , Benzofurans/analysis , Benzofurans/chemistry , Benzofurans/economics , Benzofurans/isolation & purification , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , France , Industrial Waste/economics , Molecular Structure , Neuroprotective Agents/chemistry , Neuroprotective Agents/economics , Neuroprotective Agents/isolation & purification , Neuroprotective Agents/pharmacology , Nootropic Agents/chemistry , Nootropic Agents/economics , Nootropic Agents/pharmacology , Protein Aggregation, Pathological , Peptide Fragments/antagonists & inhibitors , Peptide Fragments/metabolism , Phenols/chemistry , Phenols/economics , Plant Extracts/economics , Protein Aggregates/drug effects , Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray Ionization , Stereoisomerism , Stilbenes/analysis , Stilbenes/chemistry , Stilbenes/economics , Stilbenes/pharmacology
RBCF, Rev. bras. ciênc. farm. (Impr.) ; 44(4): 717-725, out.-dez. 2008. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-507922


Clerodendron phlomidis Linn. (Verbenaceae) is known as Agnimantha in sanskrit. Bark of the plant is used in treating various nervous disorders. In the present study C. phlomidis was investigated for its potential as a nootropic agent in mice. The aqueous extract of the C. phlomidis (100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o.) was administered for 6 successive days to both young and aged mice. Exteroceptive behavioral models such as elevated plus maze and passive avoidance paradigm were employed to evaluate short term and long term memory respectively. Scopolamine (0.4 mg/kg, i.p.), diazepam (1 mg/kg, i.p.) were employed to induce amnesia in mice. To delineate the mechanism by which C. phlomidis exerts nootropic action, its effect on brain acetyl cholinesterase levels were determined. Piracetam (200 mg/kg, i.p.) was used as a standard nootropic agent. Pretreatment with C. phlomidis (100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o.) for 6 successive days significantly improved learning and memory in mice. It reversed the amnesia induced by scopolamine, diazepam and natural ageing. It also decreased the acetyl cholinesterase levels in the whole brain. The bark of C. phlomidis can be of enormous use in the management of treatment of cognitive disorders such as amnesia and Alzheimer's disease.

Clerodendron phlomidis Linn. (Verbenaceae) é conhecida como Agnimantha em sânscrito. A casca da planta é utilizada no tratamento de várias disfunções neurológicas. No presente estudo, C. phlomidis foi investigada pelo seu potencial como agente nootrópico em camundongos. O extrato aquoso de C. phlomidis (100 e 200 mg/kg, p.o.) foi administrado por seis dias consecutivos tanto para camundongos jovens quanto para idosos. Modelos comportamentais exteroceptivos, tais como labirinto em cruz elevada e paradigma de esquiva passiva foram empregados para avaliar memória recente e tardia, respectivamente. Escopolamina (0,4 mg/kg i.p.), diazepam (1 mg/kg i.p.) foram empregados para induzir amnésia em camundongos. A fim de delinear o mecanismo pelo qual C. phlomidis exerce ação nootrópica, determinaram-se seus efeitos nos níveis cerebrais de acetilcolinesterase. Utilizau-se piracetam (200 mg/kg i.p.) como nootrópico padrão. O pré-tratamento com C. phlomidis (100 e 200 mg/kg, p.o.) por seis dias sucessivos melhorou, significativamente, o aprendizado e a memória em camundongos. Ela reverteu a amnésia induzida por escopolamina, diazepam e pelo envelhecimento normal. Também, diminuíram-se os níveis de acetilcolinesteraseem todo o cérebro. A casca de C. phlomidis pode ser de grande uso no tratamento de disfunções cognitivas, como amnésia e doença de Alzheimer.

Animals , Rats , Nootropic Agents/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/analysis , Neurodegenerative Diseases , Memory Disorders , Phytotherapy
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2006 Dec; 44(12): 987-92
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-57285


Effect of alcoholic extract of roots of Rubia cordifolia was studied on elevated blood glucose level in alloxan treated animals. The extract reduced the blood sugar level raised by alloxan. Effect of alcoholic extract was also investigated on cold restraint induced stress and on scopolamine-induced memory impairment. Alcoholic extract enhanced brain gamma-amino-n-butyric acid (GABA) levels and decreased brain dopamine and plasma corticosterone levels. Acidity and ulcers caused due to cold restraint stress were inhibited by alcoholic extract. Animals treated with alcoholic extract spent more time in open arm in elevated plus maze model. It also antagonized scopolamine induced learning and memory impairment. Baclofen induced catatonia was potentiated by alcoholic extract.

Animals , Blood Glucose/analysis , Corticosterone/blood , Dopamine/metabolism , Female , Hypoglycemic Agents/pharmacology , Male , Mice , Nootropic Agents/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Roots/chemistry , Rubia/chemistry , Stress, Physiological/prevention & control , gamma-Aminobutyric Acid/metabolism
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 61(4): 962-967, Dec. 2003. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-352434


The effect of the treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) on neurons releasing the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) of the submucous plexus in the jejunum of diabetic rats was the purpose of our investigation. Diabetes (DM) was induced by injecting streptozotocin endovenously (35mg/kg). After sacrificing the animals, the jejunum was collected and processed for VIP detection. Four groups were used: C (non-diabetic), CC (non-diabetic treated with ALC), D (diabetic), DC (diabetes treated with ALC). We analyzed the immunoreactivity and the cellular profile of 126 cell bodies. The treatment with ALC improved some aspects of DM. However, it promoted a small increase in the area of neurons from group CC, suggesting a possible neurotrophic effect. Neurons from groups D and DC showed a large increase in their cellular profile and immunoreactivity when compared to C and CC, suggesting a larger concentration of this neurotransmitter within the neurons that produce it. This observation constitutes a recurrent finding in diabetic animals, suggesting that ALC doesnot interfere in the pathophysiological mechanisms that unchain a higher production and/or neurotransmitter accumulation and increase the profile of the VIP-ergic neurons

Animals , Male , Rats , Acetylcarnitine/pharmacology , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/metabolism , Jejunum/innervation , Neurons/metabolism , Nootropic Agents/pharmacology , Submucous Plexus/drug effects , Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide/metabolism , Blood Glucose/metabolism , Dietary Supplements , Diabetic Neuropathies/physiopathology , Immunohistochemistry , Jejunum/chemistry , Rats, Wistar , Streptozocin , Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide/analysis
Rev. bras. neurol ; 34(6): 221-31, nov.-dez. 1998.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-238765


O tratamento farmacológico da doença de Alzheimer é considerado tomando como base os fatores etiológicos/fisiopatológicos subjacentes ao processo neurodegenerativo. Assim, é dado enfoque aos estudos terapêuticos pré-clínicos em relaçäo aos distúrbios básicos (genéticos, apoptose, placas senis, amaranhados neurofibrilares). O tratamento compensatório com utilizaçäo de estratégias colinérgicas (dando-se destaque ao uso de drogas inibidoras da acetilcolinesterase) e também relacionadas com outros neurotransmissores é analisado, assim como a terapêutica em funçäo de outros aspectos fisiopatológicos (neuroprotetores, antioxidantes, antiinflamatórios, metabólicos, tóxicos). Finalmente säo considerados os aspectos gerais do tratamento dos transtornos de comportamento/psicógicos que acompanham a doença

Humans , Alzheimer Disease/diagnosis , Alzheimer Disease/therapy , Nootropic Agents/pharmacology , Cholinergic Agonists/pharmacology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Apoptosis , Calcium Channel Blockers/pharmacology , Cholinesterase Inhibitors/pharmacology , Ginkgo biloba , Neuroprotective Agents/pharmacology , Nimodipine/pharmacology
Psiquiatr. biol ; 2(3): 49-56, nov. 1994.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-194334


Neste artigo o autor faz uma revisäo das estratégias farmacoterápicas mais recentes, usadas no cenário internacional, para o tratamento do declínio cognitivo progressivo que caracteriza a Doença de Alzheimer. Para tanto, baseia-se no conhecimento atual acerca da etiopatogenia e neuropatologia desta demência. Apesar dos progressos obtidos pela investigaçäo científica, a etiologia desta doença é ainda obscura e os resultados dos tratamento ainda duvidosos, priorizando-se no momento medidas terapêuticas que impliquem na lentificaçäo do processo degenerativo.

Humans , Cognition Disorders/drug therapy , Alzheimer Disease/drug therapy , Drug Therapy/trends , Nootropic Agents/pharmacology , Adrenergic Agonists/pharmacology , Cholinergic Agonists/pharmacology , Calcium Channel Blockers/pharmacology , Cholinesterase Inhibitors/pharmacology